Useful numbers:
Carabinieri: 112
State Police: 113
Roadside Assistance (ACI): 803116
Bus to Civitanova Marche
Civitanova Marche Single Hospital Unit
Map of Civitanova Marche
and its services for Civitanova Marche
Il Cuore Adriatico - Shopping center
Via San Costantino, n.98 - Civitanova Marche
Megauno - Shopping center
Via Via Luigi Einaudi, n.362 - Civitanova Marche
Castagno Village - Brand Village
Spaccio Outlet
Cesare Paciotti
Ripashoes - Footwear
Civitanova Marche events
Marche in festa is an updated portal with parties,
festivals, fairs, theater, events,
concerts, markets, spring fair..
Monthly Calendar of Events and Festivals.
Events, exhibitions, concerts, shows, festivals and parties
Bed and Breakfast "La Tartaruga" Civitanova Marche.
Address: Street S. Mecozzi, n.5 - 62012 Civitanova Marche - Macerata - Marche
Telephone and Fax: 0733.773604 - Mobile: +39 335.6108101
Whatsapp: +39 335.6108101- C.F.: DMNGNN93B28Z604Q
Texts, Images, Links, Videos, Regulations, Legal Notes: La Tartaruga.